Wrath can be defined as uncontrolled anger, rage, and even hatred. It often reveals itself as the desire to seek vengeance. Hatred is the sin of desiring that someone else may suffer a misfortune. For many of us, when someone wrongs us, we want to get back at them. When your partner cheats on you, you either lash out in anger or strive for revenge (possibly by cheating back).
Now, you might be wondering how on earth would wrath be profitable? To that, I offer this piece as a memento.
Businesses profiting from wrath
UFC & Fighting related businesses
Wrath is also often manifested through violence. Most of us would rather not be involved in fights despite the appeal they have to our primal brains. In the majority of the animal kingdom, violence is used as a means to determine strength. The alpha/leader of any given group of communal creatures is usually the strongest. How do we know he/she is the strongest? Because they prove their strength in fights and in the animal kingdom, strength is rewarded. The alpha usually gets first pick at anything: be it a mating partner or food and resources.
When it comes to alphas, humans are no different. Sure, we may not all physically fight to establish dominance but a good number of us sure do enjoy watching fights. That’s where things like the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) come in. The UFC’s primary objective is to profitably entertain through fights. The true definition of profiting from wrath as a vice. Other worthy contenders in the same space include wrestling (WWE which is semi-scripted, albeit violent) and animal fighting.
It is also worth noting that among humans, dominance can also be established through wealth as well as confidence.
Primarily, businesses profiting from wrath involve some type of violence. If you have any other ideas on other types of businesses that profit from wrath, feel free to share them below.
Marketing a business using wrath
To market a business using wrath, you can use the following strategies:
Tie your product to something that makes people angry
For example: if a government is oppressing its people and you are trying to build a free speech social media platform, you could focus a lot on the oppression of the government towards the people when marketing your product. This will in turn get people upset at their government while siphoning them into using your product with the belief that your product will allow them to fight against the aforementioned government. To make this work, you will also need to show them how your product helps them release their anger.
Anger is contagious and things that make people angry are likelier to be shared.
Give your audience a feeling of power
Revenge is almost always a bad idea. However, you can use the idea of it to make your business known. Show your audience how using your product allows them to have one up on whoever they would love to get revenge on.
Once again, I shall use government oppression as an example. In an oppressive or corrupt government, citizens are usually dissatisfied with the government and often feel a sense of powerlessness. You can give them that feeling of having power. You could, for example, show how by getting your product, they could also write it off as a tax deduction (if it fits in that category). Since they are being oppressed by their government, they probably want to avoid paying money to the said government as much as they can. If you can help them do that, they will more than likely pay. It also helps quite a bit if your product is actually useful.

Anger, hatred, and vengeance can do us a lot of harm but since most of us will experience them at one point, we can find ways to capitalize on them. It doesn’t have to be as straightforward as the UFC. You can also capitalize on people’s dissatisfaction with any establishment to market your product. For example, Parler started off as an uncensored alternative to Twitter in an effort to preserve free speech.
Either way, if you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions on additions/deductions, feel free to leave a comment.
This is the last of the 7 Deadly Sins Investing series. I hope you had a great ride and look forward to seeing you in the next one.